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Issued 05:30 AM EDT 06 October 2024

Forecasts are unavailable until further request.

Ice Forecasts

Issued 11:00 AM EDT 6 October 2024 Today Tonight and Monday

Ice Edge

First ice edge estimated from 7440N 12413W to 7444N 12050W to Banks
Island near 7416N 12003W. Sea ice north of the ice edge.

Second ice edge estimated from Banks Island near 7339N 11535W to
7335N 11220W to 7412N 9949W to Cornwallis Island near 7455N 9620W.
Sea ice north of the ice edge.

Third ice edge estimated from Cornwallis Island near 7538N 9456W to
Devon Island near 7617N 9434W. Sea ice west of the ice edge.

Fourth ice edge estimated from Brodeur Peninsula near 7351N 8642W to
7425N 8932W to 7436N 9243W to Somerset Island near 7410N 9314W. Sea
ice south of the ice edge.

Fifth ice edge estimated from Devon Island near 7453N 7921W to 7525N
7611W to 7631N 7448W then northeastward. Sea ice north of the ice

Ice Coverage

Forecasts available to mariners upon request.

No watches or warnings in effect.

Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 6:30 AM MDT 6 October 2024 Today Tonight and Monday At 1200 UTC Sunday dissipating low 1000 mb located at 60N 90W.

At 0000 UTC Tuesday approaching low 993 mb located at 68N 130W.

At 1200 UTC Sunday building ridge located from 67N 109W to 80N 140W.
By 0000 UTC Tuesday ridge located from 67N 91W to 78N 85W.

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